Escape room simulator space walkthrough
Escape room simulator space walkthrough

Back to the floor, you will need to use the Connector Pins to repair the circuit that connects the power switch with the metal replicator. Use the Panel Removal Tool to remove the floor panels, remove the hatch door on the corner and turn the wheel on the blue tube. Also pick up the Read/Write Keycard, the Drone Recipe, Replicator Instructions and, inside the Pin Box get the Connector Pins.

escape room simulator space walkthrough

Walk towards the only door you can open at the moment, and grab the Panel Removal Tool inside.

  • Pull the lever close to the Hatch monitor and exit the room.As soon as you start the room, look down and search for the two Damaged Keycards, and at least 2 Metal Rods or Metal Pieces.
  • Open the hatchets and fix the pipes as shown in the picture above.

    escape room simulator space walkthrough

    Go to the Hatch monitor, select Grid and press: B-0-4 and submit.Use the crane again to drag the battery compartment back to where it came from. Grab the battery with the red light, zoom, open and put the Laser Source in the open slot. Use the crane to grab the Battery compartment with the red light and drag it close to you.Open the drawer with the other keypad using the next password: 1531.Open the drawer with the worn-down keypad with the next password: 2357 and pick up Laser Source.Pull the levers on the wall to the right and fix the cables using the next sequence, from left to right: BLUE - RED - YELLOW - GREEN.To speedrun this room, try to do all of the things below as soon as possible:°Pick up the Pyramidion Part on the floor. Left from where you connect the cables.Below the working fuel tank monitor there is a red pipe.On the D compartment on the floor, top right square.Top from the door you use to exit the room.The token is on the orange part of the crane. Use the crane control to move the crane towards the room.Left from the broken fuel tank monitor, between white pipes.Flying outside of the room disguised as garbage.There are eight tokens that can be found in this level: Note: All credits for the walkthrough go to Neoseeker. Once you do it, pull the lever on the Hatch monitor and exit the room. Now you will need to connect B, A and C hatchs Do it as shown in the picture above. But to open both hatches do the following sequence : You need to open the hatch on the floor, there is information in the tablet that you can use to do so.

    escape room simulator space walkthrough

    Walk towards the Hatch monitor and press the Grid button. Place the battery back in the compartment and drag it back to where it came from using the crane. Zoom in, open it and place the Laser Source on the open slot. Go to the Crane controls and use the buttons to grab the Battery Compartment that is not working (the one with the red lights) and drag it close to you.


    The password for this one is behind the tablet: 1531. The correct order is :2357, pick up the Laser Source and move to the next keypad. It says that the keypad only works in ascending order, inspect the keypad and press the worn-down buttons in ascending order. Now go to the drawers and open them up, pick up the Tablet and click on the projector on the keypad to the right. The correct order is, from left to right: BLUE - RED - YELLOW - GREEN. Start by pulling the levers on the wall right from you, to connect the cables easily start in the one marked with E2 On the lid.

    Escape room simulator space walkthrough